Mycket läsvärt inlägg från Jon Pareliussen, Sweden Desk, OECD Economics Department, om OECD:s slutsatser om svensk skola. Svidande kritik av hur styrningen fungerar, och klarsynta förslag till åtgärder.
Competition and school choice can be powerful tools to improve school quality, but private interests in many cases differ from the interests of society as a whole. Effective regulation and governance therefore need to steer private providers to deliver for the public good. Ensuring that grades fairly represent pupils’ skills and knowledge would reduce information asymmetries. Private schools’ admission procedures need regulation to hold back school segregation. Municipalities should adjust how they assign pupils to schools by promoting more socially mixed pupil groups while toning down the current strong focus on proximity. Investments in new school capacity can help counteract segregation, notably if coordination between municipalities and private providers improves.